Environmental & Social Sustainability Course

Learn how you can make meaningful changes that protect and enhance your business, the world, and the people around you.
BST Impact and ESI Monitor explore the interlinkages between the E, the S and the G of ESG through a pragmatic approach that takes into consideration all the relevant environmental and social frameworks shaping current sustainability trends for corporate actors.
What will you get?
With the purchase of one ticket, you will get access to the full hours online course structured in four pragmatic live sessions delivered by experienced environmental and social sustainability professionals.
Course Schedule
The Course, which has the duration of 6 hours in total, 1 hour and 30 minutes per week, will take place once a week for four weeks on the following dates:
- Wednesday 24th November 2021, 4 pm - 5:30 pm CET
- Wednesday 1st December 2021, 4 pm - 5:30 pm CET
- Thursday 9th December 2021, 4 pm - 5:30 pm CET
- Wednesday 15th December 2021, 4 pm - 5:30 pm CET
What will you learn?
Environmental Sustainability Modules will cover:
- Brief history of sustainability and corporate responsibility topics
- Untangling the ‘Alphabet Soup’ of Sustainability
- How sustainable is your business today, and what can you do to change
- Climate Change and Greenhouse Gases
- Sustainable Resource Usage and Waste
- Pollution & Contamination and Habitats & Biodiversity
Social Sustainability Modules will cover:
- Why is international law crucial to real ESG/Sustainable business
- How does international human rights law and labour law help you create robust ESG strategies and policies
- Human Rights Due Diligence
- How to develop efficient internal governance mechanisms
- How to measure progress (norms-based social KPIs)
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