Privacy and Data Protection
Tommaso Scannicchio graduated in 1999 with top marks and specialised in the field of ICT Law after a one-year stay at Essex University UK in the academic year 2001-2002. He is a lawyer at the Bar of Bari since 2003. In 2015 he obtained his doctorate (Ph.D.) in Italian and Comparative Private Law at the University of Bari "Aldo Moro" with a thesis in English language about contractual profiles in relationships involving personal data flows ("data processing agreements") between private individuals and business companies. He has many years of specialised experience in advising on national and European privacy compliance, copyright law, computer law and new technologies, with particular regard to online defamation and the liability of Internet Service Providers. He is associated with I.A.P.P. (International Association of Privacy Professionals), E.A.D.P.P. (European Association of Data Protection Professionals) and Centro Studi Privacy e Nuove Tecnologie. Since 2018, he has been the Data Protection Officer for the Bari Notary Council, the Regional Commission for the Discipline of Notaries and other private companies. He regularly publishes articles and comments on Giustizia Civile, Agenda Digitale e Guida al Diritto del Sole24Ore about data protection issues. He collaborates pro-bono with the NGO Coalizione Italiana per le Libertà e Diritti Civili (CILD).
Core Team
Silvia Scozia
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Silvia Scozia
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Giulia Biselli
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Giulia Biselli
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Jon Kinnell Sullivan
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Jon Kinnell Sullivan
Associate Experts
Nicolás Braguinsky Cascini
Ilaria Pierozzi
Fred Betley
Ian Corder
Sylvie Laine
Edith Aldewereld
Juan P. Aris Escarcena
Leanne Mair
Ioannis Ioannou
Fernando Lopez del Prado
Robert C. Brears
Andrew White
Dalila Seoane
Tommaso Scannicchio
Judy Lee